Les 100 meilleurs joueurs et guildes ayant le plus grand nombre de victoires dans les champs de bataille depuis le 01/01/2025.
Les victoires des guildes correspondent au nombre de victoires de chaque membre actuel de la guilde.

Top100 Joueurs

# Personnage Niveau Guilde Victoires
1 Vigof 80 Reapers 72
2 Meliminon 80 Reapers 29
2 Cesha 49 Cave Bestiam 29
2 Arinaya 80 Reapers 29
2 Garin 80 Reapers 29
3 Mahuni 78 Reapers 22
4 Treran 41 Warsong Insanity 18
5 Johania 72 Dies Irae 16
6 Gleklinkli 80 Unforgiven Destiny 15
7 Bruma 80 Aßsølutiøn 14
7 Chansee 41 Frozen Oblivion 14
7 Actemorhan 80 Reapers 14
8 Garza 80 Cave Bestiam 13
8 Supplice 80 Paradigme 13
8 Melatalor 26 Crimson Angels 13
8 Fahara 17 Rebellion 13
8 Avalynna 23 Final Army 13
9 Lunathaa 80 Paradigme 12
9 Bemahje 80 Legacy of the Ninth Era 12
9 Drensi 80 Phoenix Keepers 12
10 Sylethis 23 Cave Bestiam 11
10 Elduun 80 Rebellion 11
10 Ymvyngra 80 Sanguine Council 11
10 Darinaria 80 Killer Force 11
10 Edaspo 80 Shadow Assassins 11
10 Irgoclik 64 GreamTeam 11
10 Zansendra 80 Violet Dawn 11
10 Paahjan 78 Nocturne of the Dead 11
10 Kaezre 80 Shadow Knights 11
10 Alaarrin 80 Tainted Bunnies 11
10 Kushu 80 BOZOS 11
11 Mogsho 80 Shattered Legacy 10
11 Flamo 65 Shadow Assassins 10
11 Cugwial 80 Burning Control 10
11 Adamadeus 36 The Norris 10
11 Nulgaizi 42 Nocturne of the Dead 10
11 Santhir 80 Instinct 10
11 Shotumar 80 Heroes of Azeroth 10
11 Brovirn 80 Companions of Alterac 10
11 Tyrin 80 Rangers of Vengeance 10
12 Clarinka 32 Les Anciens d Azeroth 9
12 Dulcanna 71 Exalted Effect 9
12 Feenkis 80 Free Flight 9
12 Thobok 80 Burning Oblivion 9
12 Jr 80 Paradigme 9
12 Panlemar 60 Amber Guard 9
12 Deyriah 80 Black Guard 9
12 Esrii 80 Rebellion 9
12 Feyri 80 Phoenix Keepers 9
12 Akadu 47 Amber Guard 9
12 Miataan 34 Le Lion Doré 9
12 Muindirm 70 Les Anciens d Azeroth 9
12 Enmanar 80 Knights of Fury 9
12 Bulfom 76 Rebellion 9
12 Aeladori 69 ENIRO 9
12 Zaevie 32 Slayers of the Primals 9
12 Serlo 38 In Vino Veritas 9
13 Thrurno 30 Border Knights 8
13 Bolterm 80 Coalition of Prodigies 8
13 Mandereno 76 War Legion 8
13 Tromupian 80 Phoenix Keepers 8
13 Xizeawor 29 Vanguard of the Right 8
13 Fozo 80 Heroes of Azeroth 8
13 Nanesta 80 Strike Commando 8
13 Zylenne 80 Instinct 8
13 Gryhorgol 31 Nature Sauvage 8
13 Beledrea 39 Slayers of the Primals 8
13 Pachom 80 Glass Meridian 8
13 Arethil 34 Rebellion 8
13 Dremozkest 28 Secret Clan 8
13 Kaeruul 26 Rebellion 8
13 Terwyn 80 Y a bon beignet 8
13 Melesia 51 Murloc Militia 8
13 Alysa 50 Aßsølutiøn 8
13 Iren 42 Killer Force 8
13 Telarith 37 Free Flight 8
13 Castavo 80 Les Anciens d Azeroth 8
13 Unru 80 The Norris 8
14 Vornoken 79 Heroes of Azeroth 7
14 Corino 71 Wintermane Clan 7
14 Klineern 71 Rebellion 7
14 Ulora 42 Rebellion 7
14 Nelallaeth 39 Killer Force 7
14 Tuthash 58 Insiders 7
14 Delen 80 Heroes of Azeroth 7
14 Harkofoc 32 Killer Force 7
14 Yellimaw 75 Afterlife 7
14 Klireetlank 57 Safety Division 7
14 Elawea 51 Heroes of Azeroth 7
14 Zarline 46 Heroes of Azeroth 7
14 Raco 29 Seekers 7
14 Siere 31 Reapers 7
14 Tochushzuh 21 Black Guard 7
14 Gethis 80 Vicious Renegades 7
14 Valoren 80 Heroes of Azeroth 7
14 Kronu 55 Order of the Sea 7
14 Ellelun 43 Reapers 7
14 Portagan 80 Seekers 7
14 Amielah 80 Circle of Giants 7
14 Ileide 80 Border Knights 7

Top100 Guildes

# Guilde Victoires
2Heroes of Azeroth222
5Les Anciens d Azeroth85
6Cave Bestiam76
7Le Lion Doré63
9Phoenix Keepers49
10Killer Force44
12Glass Meridian35
12Black Guard35
13Nocturne of the Dead34
15Free Flight32
15Warsong Insanity32
16Burning Oblivion31
16Shattered Legacy31
16Unforgiven Destiny31
17Tainted Bunnies30
17Final Army30
17Amber Guard30
17Sanguine Council30
18Burning Control29
18Border Knights29
18Wayward Agenda29
19Order of Arathi28
20Violet Dawn27
20Frozen Oblivion27
20Crimson Angels27
20Slayers of the Primals27
21Cryptic Serenity26
21Violent Chaos26
21Conclave of the Triad26
22Elite Clan24
22In Vino Veritas24
22Iscariot Ginas24
22Murloc Militia24
22Shadow Knights24
22The Norris24
23Cult of the Raging Raid23
23Shadow Assassins23
24Strike Commando21
24Rangers of Vengeance21
25Heart Knights20
25Y a bon beignet20
25Coalition of Prodigies20
26War Legion19
26Vicious Renegades19
26Exalted Effect19
26Ancients of Part Times19
27Knights of Fury18
27La Main Rouge18
27Legacy of the Ninth Era18
27Vanguard of the Right18
28Crimson Saints17
28Debt Collectors17
28Army of Clones17
28Blood Consortium17
28Dies Irae17
29Silent Grunts16
29Decree of the Stars16
30Narrow Patrol15
30Crusaders of the Light15
30Circle of Giants15
30Honor Guard15
30Death Knights15
30Fallen Clan15
30Will of the Forgotten15
31Safety Division14
31Booty Cry14
31Arcane Bonds14
31Legendary Sons14
31Order of the Sea14
31Companions of Alterac14
32Wintermane Clan13
32Carpe Diem13
32Light of the Dark Spire13
32Band of the Dawn13
33Anchors of the Nominal12
33Moonwood Redeye12
33Jade Renegades12
33Azure Gang12
33Red Death12
33April Fools12
33Secret Clan12
34White Guard11
35Sword of Lost Evil10
35Warriors of the Tundra10